Friday, March 9, 2007

Nascent Journo Student Establishes Online Presence

Hello and welcome to my blog. As a part of my studies for a degree in journalism I am studying New Communication Technology. In this class each student establishes and maintains a blog. Since you're here reading this I'll assume you know what a blog is and spare you the definition.

While I use a computer and the internet quite regularly at home I find the idea of a blog a little bit intimidating. I'm a fairly private person and the idea of sharing my thoughts with complete strangers is a little scary. On the flip side however I'm sharing my thoughts with complete strangers. I know what you're thinking - but you're studying journalism! Nevertheless I am a virgin blogger.

So far I'm finding the lectures quite interesting. The convenor, Stephen Stockwell, manages to keep the lectures entertaining and somehow still very informative. Maybe its the Hawaiian shirts.

I enjoyed today's screening of La Jetee (isn't a jetee a ballet stance?) although I'm still not sure why. I never expect to enjoy science fiction but am often surprised and this movie was no exception. The film is in French and so is subtitled which adds to the appeal for me I guess. It feels a bit more arty than your average science fiction movie. I think I'll rent Twelve Monkeys, as suggested by Stephen, and compare the two movies. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Neil Allen said...

Nascent Journo Student Loses Blog Virginity in Public!

Congratulations Nancy! Firstly for embarking on the journey of journalism, and secondly for bravely and transparently displaying your thoughts to the world.

There's an interesting irony in the name of your vocational studies - JOURNALISM - and the fact that one of your first assignments is an online JOURNAL - now called a BLOG.

Blogs, texts on mobile phones, emails and webpages are relentlessly invading the world of communication. We need to ensure these are used to enhance personal communication, as a means of convenience, rather than replacing BBQ's and other happy face-to-face moments. Well done Nancy!